About Me
I am currently a Max Wyman Assistant Professor jointly between the Departments of Physics and Mathematical and Statistical Sciences at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada. My research is primarily focused on classical and quantum gravity, black holes, cosmology, and quantum field theory.
You can check out my academic profile on InspireHEP or download my full CV.
Prior to my current position, I was an assistant professor at York University in Toronto from 2020 to June 2022. From 2018 to 2019, I was an assistant professor at Monterrey Institute of Technology (ITESM), Campus Leon, Guanajuato, in Mexico. Before that, from 2014 to 2018, I was a postdoctoral fellow at Department of Physics at Metropolitan Autonomous University (Universidad Autonoma Metrpolitana - Iztapalapa) in Mexico City, working with Prof. Hugo Morales-Técotl, and, from 2012 to 2014, a postdoctoral fellow at Centro de Ciencias Matematicas, UNAM, Campus Morelia, in Mexico, working with Prof. Alejandro Corichi.
I did my PhD in quantum gravity at Universidad de la Republica in Uruguay under the supervision of Prof. Rodolfo Gambini and collaborating with Prof. Jorge Pullin of the Louisiana State University, and graduated with distinction.

Saeed Rastgoo
Max Wyman Assistant Professor
Departments of Physics
and Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2E1
Office: CCIS 2-095
​email: srastgoo[at]ualberta.ca
Phone: +1 (780) 492-9604
Max Wyman Assistant Professor
July 2022 - Present
University of Alberta
Assistant Professor
January 2020 - June 2022
York University
Assistant Professor
October 2018 - December 2019
Monterrey Institute of Technology (ITESM) Mexico​
Postdoctoral Fellow
September 2014 - August 2018
Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana Mexico
Postdoctoral Fellow
September 2012 - August 2014
UNAM (Centro de Ciencias Matematicas) Mexico